Students enroll for a 14 weeks lesson term during the Fall school semester,  14 weeks lesson term during the Spring school semester and 8 weeks during the summer. Lessons may be paid in full or divided into 2, 3, or 4 payments. The non-refundable Registration fee is due at registration. You must make a payment when you turn in your registration form to be a registered student. Teachers are contracted for an entire semester and must be paid regardless of the discontinuation of lessons mid-semester for any reason. A meeting with the Director is required for any student and/or responsible party whose lessons have discontinued for any reason. All Registration Forms require a Signature of Consent informing responsible parties of their obligation to pay for all lessons/classes selected on the form. A $10 late fee will be charged to any accounts delinquent 30 days, and lessons will be discontinued until the payments are current.


Students are expected to conduct themselves appropriately for a school environment. All Academie Musique members are to be treated with respect and courtesy at all times. Any inappropriate treatment should be reported to the Executive Director immediately.  Horseplay, roughhousing, and other physical acts that may endanger others or cause accidents and disruptions are prohibited. Rude, offensive, or outrageous behavior and language will not be tolerated by anyone. Parents and students must report any observed misuse of equipment, inappropriate behavior, or other offenses to the Director.  Families are encouraged to wait in the family room or outside if weather permits for students in lessons. Please be courteous to the teachers  that are using practice rooms.


Regular and consistent practice times spread throughout the week are essential in making successful progress and advancement toward individual musical goals. Parents can help students establish good practice habits by scheduling practice into a daily or weekly routine. In general, beginners should practice 10 – 20 minutes daily; intermediate students 20 – 40 minutes daily, and advanced students 40 minutes or more daily. It is most helpful to be sure and schedule a practice session within a 24-hour period after the lesson or rehearsal so the information is fresh and more easily remembered.


For the safety of the students and the integrity of the Academie, we require students 12 years old and under to be escorted by a parent or guardian into the building for their lesson or class and picked up inside the building at the conclusion of their lesson/class by a parent or guardian. Students under age 12 MAY NOT be left unattended.


Rooms are scheduled at the beginning of each semester. It is possible for teachers to teach in multiple rooms throughout the day depending on the needs for the size and instrumentation of the ensembles or lessons taught. However, room schedules for the students should remain consistent throughout the semester. Parents/students should wait for the teacher outside their scheduled room. If the teacher is more than 5 minutes late, call or text the teacher. If there is no response and the teacher is more than 10 minutes late, please come to the Academie Musique office and inform the secretary or Director.


Students who must cancel a lesson for any reason are asked to notify the teacher by phone, email, or text at least 24 hours prior to the missed lesson.
Makeup lessons for an excused absence will be scheduled only when the private teacher has been notified directly the preceding evening by 9 p.m. via phone or email except in cases of illness. An excused absence includes a school function that is not optional, a death in the family, or illness. A maximum of two lessons may be rescheduled a semester. Any exceptions require the approval of the director. A student who is 15 minutes late is considered a “no show.” Please ask the private teacher for their preferred contact information.

Private teachers are responsible for making up all lessons canceled or missed by the teacher.

Tuition Fees

The Fall and Spring semester registration fee ($115) covers our administrative salaries, insurance, and overhead.  This fee is nonrefundable.  It is not included in the costs outlined below.  Fall and Spring are each a 14 week semester.

Suzuki Strings, Suzuki guitar (Faculty)

  • 30 minute lessons = $ 435
  • 45 minute lessons = $ 630
  • 60 minute lessons = $ 820

Suzuki Strings (Student Teachers)

  • 30 minute lessons = $ 315
  • 45 minute lessons = $ 450

Voice, piano, guitar, brass, woodwinds

  • 30 minute lessons = $ 385
  • 45 minute lessons = $ 580
  • 60 minute lessons = $ 770

Student Teachers

  • 30 minute lessons = $265
  • 45 minute lessons = $400

The Summer semester registration fee ($60) covers our administrative salaries, insurance, and overhead. This fee is nonrefundable. It is not included in the costs outlines below. For the Summer semester, we offer 4, 6 or 8 lessons.

Faculty strings, piano, voice

  • 4 30 minute lessons = $105
  • 4 45 minute lessons = $155
  • 4 60 minute lessons = $210
  • 6 30 minute lessons = $155
  • 6 45 minute lessons = $235
  • 6 60 minute lessons = $315
  • 8 30 minute lessons = $210
  • 8 45 minute lessons = $315
  • 8 60 minute lessons = $415

Student teachers

  • 4 30 minute lessons = $65
  • 4 45 minute lessons = $95
  • 6 30 minute lessons = $95
  • 6 45 minute lessons = $145
  • 8 30 minute lessons = $130
  • 8 45 minute lessons = $195